Improved : HTML font style parsing in TTMSFNCRichEditor. Improved : Parsing of hyperlinks from RTF files in TTMSFNCRichEditor. Improved : preparations for technical preview TMS WEB Core. Improved : RTF import in TTMSFNCRichEditor. Improved : Image loading in TMS FNC Grid Database Adapter. Improved : Image loading in TMS Web Core and HTML engine. Improved : Smaller improvements and fixes related to TMS Web Core v1.0. Improved : Smaller improvements and fixes. Improved : Option to turn of focused border in TTMSFNCGrid. Improved : Exposed ShowFocus property in TTMSFNCListBox. GRIDS FOR INSTAGRAM 7.0.1 64 BIT
Improved : macOS 64 bit compilation support.Improved : HTML export from for bullet items in TTMSFNCRichEditor.Improved : Keyboard handling in TTMSFNCSearchEdit.
Improved : Mouse wheel scrolling support added for TTMSFNCResponsiveList when used under the FMX framework. Improved : ShowFocus property under DateAppearance to remove the dotted border around the focused date in TTMSFNCCalendar. Improved : Android editing in TTMSFNCRichEditor. Improved : Exposed DropDownWidth property in TTMSFNCComboBox. Improved : Issue with persisting scroll location after expanding / collapsing in TTMSFNCKanbanBoard. Improved : Exposed Font property in TTMSFNCDatePicker TTMSFNCDigitalTimePicker and TTMSFNCAnalogTimePicker. Improved : Date validation in TTMSFNCDatePicker. Improved : Calling Clear resets the default font in TTMSFNCRichEditor. Improved : Font rendering on high DPI screens in TTMSFNCRichEditor on Windows. Improved : Higher quality image stretching added in TTMSFNCRichEditor on Windows.
Improved : Name reflected in columns editor in TTMSFNCTreeView. GRIDS FOR INSTAGRAM 7.0.1 MAC OS
Improved : TMSFNCTaskDialog common button order in Mac OS similar to Mac guidelines.Improved : added procedure ClearSelection in TTMSFNCPlanner.Improved : smaller improvements and fixes in TMS FNC Core.Improved : TTMSFNCHTMLText and TTMSFNCNavigationPanel Anchor click behavior.Improved : Exposed ShowFocus property in TTMSFNCComboBox.Improved : Tickmark label font appearance in TTMSFNCRangeSlider.
Improved : Added AIncludeRows parameter to XYToColumn to include rows while detecting which column is located at X and Y coordinate in TTMSFNCTreeView. Improved : Missing Default and Cancel options in FMX for TTMSFNCButton. Improved : Style handling in TTMSFNCSwitch. Improved : IsLoading called for subcontrols to increase loading performance in TTMSFNCToolBar. GRIDS FOR INSTAGRAM 7.0.1 UPDATE
Improved : update names for UpdateControlSize and UpdateSize for WEB warnings.Improved : to lookup within visible nodes in TTMSFNCTreeView.Improved : Exposed OnItemBeforeDrawBackground OnItemAfterDrawBackground OnItemBeforeDrawContent OnItemAfterDrawContent OnItemBeforeDrawText and OnItemAfterDrawText events in TTMSFNCDigitalTimePicker.Improved : TDataset Append and Insert in combination with database adapter in TTMSFNCGrid.Improved : Less sensitive downward scrolling in combination with more options in TTMSFNCTableView.Improved : OnCellEditValidate* events now blocking from leaving inplace editor.Improved : TTMSFNCPlannerModeEditor updated design and implemented in design-time.Improved : OnCellEditValidate* events blocked clicking on another cell to cancel editing in TTMSFNCGrid.Improved : next line editing respects previous alignment in TTMSFNCRichEditor.Improved : Selected item handling in TTMSFNCComboBox.Improved : Several improvements for TMS WEB Core applications on mobile devices.